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Views: 72 Updated: 01.03.24 Posted: 10.24.23 Status: Inactive


Price $2,928,000
Built/Renov 1984/2023
Tenant SQRL
Cap Rate 7.25%
Lease Type Abs NNN
Guarantor Corporate
Size/SF 1,439
Lease Start 04-21-2023
#Units 139
Price/SF $2,034.75
Expiration 04-30-2043
Tenant Type Convenience/Gas
NOI $212,250
R. Term 18.7
Ownership Fee Simple
Rent/SF $147.50
Increases 2.0%/1/yrs
Pop 5Mi 210,548
Lot/AC 0.49
Options 4/5yrs/2%
AHHI 5Mi $87,403

Lease Highlights

  • Site is currently being remodeled as a SQRL fueling station and convenience store
  • Tenant recently signed a new 20-year absolute NNN lease with 4 (5-year) options to extend
  • The lease features rent increases of 2% annually
  • Huge tax benefits | Asset is eligible for accelerated and/or bonus depreciation | Consult tax professional for confirmation
  • Corporate guaranteed lease

Location Description

This recently renovated SQRL is positioned with excellent access and visibility from FM 78 & Seguin Rd., which see a combined 45,400+ vehicles passing by daily. It is located a couple blocks from Judson High School (2,600 students enrolled), and just over-a-mile from the Santé 51 Development (a $14.7MM, 51-acre mixed-use project that will encompass county offices, retail, restaurants,...



  • 1 Mile
  • 3 Miles
  • 5 Miles


  • Tenant: SQRL
  • Guarantor:Corporate
  • Company:SQRL Holdings, LLC
  • # Units:139
  • Stock:Private

About Tenant

SQRL Fuel operates gas stations with coffee-shop-like convenience stores. Their brand focuses on being family friendly and environmentally conscious as well as offering high quality products,...



  1 Miles 3 Miles 5 Miles
2028 Total Population : 12,156 91,916 225,423
2023 Total Population : 11,848 89,388 216,489
2023 Employed Civilian Pop : 5,693 42,076 103,216
2023 Total Businesses : 272 1,281 3,984
2023 Average Household Income : $ 91,561 $ 89,872 $ 90,255
2023 Total Consumer Spending : $ 328 M $ 2377 M $ 6013 M
2023 Median Age : 33 34 35
2023 Total Households : 4,128 30,565 76,933
2023 Pop Age 25+: Bachelor's Degree : 1,447 11,342 28,888
2023 Average Home Value : $ 231,798 $ 231,579 $ 241,744
*ESRI data is presented for informational purposes only


Collection Street Cross Street Year Traffic Vol Distance
South Seguin Road School St 2021 12,661 0.07 mi
South Seguin Road School St 2020 11,723 0.07 mi
S Seguin Rd Ave E 2002 7,600 0.33 mi
Schaefer Rd Norris Dr W 2000 5,220 0.38 mi
FM 1516 2021 15,892 0.41 mi
S Seguin Rd Ave B 2013 10,646 0.46 mi
South Seguin Road Kneupper Ave 2021 12,032 0.51 mi
Station St Ave B 2010 1,410 0.53 mi
John E Peterson Boulevard Schaefer Rd 2021 29,250 0.53 mi
Upper Seguin Rd A 2010 2,070 0.54 mi

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All information, content, data, and other materials on this Platform (“Content”) is made available to you on an “AS IS” basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied. All such Content is made available for informational purposes only and should not be relied on by you for any purpose. Content may contain errors, may be inaccurate or incomplete and/or, due to changing circumstances or other causes, may change or ultimately prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. Other than as set forth in our Terms of Service we do not have any control over your use of our Services or any Content. You should not use any such Services or any Content without validating the results through independent research, obtaining up-to-date information, and considering all relevant facts and circumstances, including your specific situation (financial or otherwise). We do not recommend, guarantee, or represent that the Services or any Content will predict the future performance of real estate assets or other assets of any kind. Moreover, we do not warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using any of the foregoing. WE ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING TAX, LEGAL, INVESTMENT, FINANCIAL OR RISK MANAGEMENT ADVICE, AND THE RESULTS OF USE OF OUR SERVICES AND ANY CONTENT MUST NOT BE REGARDED OR REPRESENTED AS CONSTITUTING SUCH ADVICE. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF ANY CONTENT AND/OR PROJECTIONS GENERATED BY THE SERVICES OR ANY CONTENT


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