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Views: 6 Updated: 08.27.24 Posted: 08.21.24 Status: Inactive 08.27.24


Price $6,268,850
Built/Renov 2021
Tenant New Creations Child Care
Cap Rate 6.00%
Lease Type Double NN
Guarantor Corporate
Size/SF 12,789
Lease Start 07-01-2021
#Units 17
Price/SF $490.18
Expiration 06-30-2036
Tenant Type Daycare/Education
NOI $376,131
R. Term 11.9
Ownership Fee Simple
Rent/SF $29.41
Increases 2.0%/3/yrs
Pop 5Mi 111,165
Lot/AC 1.55
Options 2/5yrs/2%
AHHI 5Mi $131,195

Lease Highlights

  • New construction 2021
  • New Creations has 11+ years remaining on the lease with 3% annual rent increases beginning in year 6
  • Landlord shall repair and replace the roof, structure, HVAC, and common areas
  • Personal guarantee with Ryan D. Carlson, CEO of New Creations Child Care, and Peter Simon, Co-Owner of New Creations Child Care. Guaranty obligations will be reduced by 50% in year 8 until year 10 when guaranty obligation expires

Location Description

New Creations was newly constructed in 2021 and is ideally located in the heart of six new housing developments consisting of 131 single family homes, 161 townhomes, 236 apartments and 150 senior living units, creating a demand for childcare. It is located across the intersection from a newly built Hy-Vee. Hy-Vee opened in 2019 and has been attracting adjacent development ever since. The...



  • 1 Mile
  • 3 Miles
  • 5 Miles


About Tenant

New Creations Child Care is a family-owned and operated licensed child care program that began in a small church in Blaine in 2011. New Creations has 17 locations throughout Minnesota and is...



  1 Miles 3 Miles 5 Miles
2028 Total Population : 9,688 51,511 114,322
2023 Total Population : 9,141 50,494 110,800
2023 Employed Civilian Pop : 4,797 27,606 63,094
2023 Total Businesses : 74 549 2,615
2023 Average Household Income : $ 192,224 $ 199,133 $ 175,029
2023 Total Consumer Spending : $ 507 M $ 2774 M $ 5974 M
2023 Median Age : 36 38 40
2023 Total Households : 3,155 16,686 40,577
2023 Pop Age 25+: Bachelor's Degree : 2,183 13,707 29,786
2023 Average Home Value : $ 557,972 $ 550,515 $ 505,130
*ESRI data is presented for informational purposes only


Collection Street Cross Street Year Traffic Vol Distance
Bass Lake Rd Troy Ln N 2011 7,600 0.11 mi
Troy Ln N 74th Ave N 2017 8,000 0.17 mi
Brockton Ln N Bass Lake Rd 2017 6,300 0.33 mi
Bass Lake Rd Peony Ln N 2017 7,400 0.43 mi
Bass Lake Rd Shadyview Ln N 2019 8,300 0.45 mi
Bass Lake Rd Larkin Rd 2017 6,200 0.51 mi
Brockton Ln N 68th Ave N 2019 6,600 0.58 mi
Lawndale Ln N 72nd Ave N 2017 7,800 0.73 mi
Troy La 80th Ave N 2019 7,500 0.78 mi
Lawndale la N 69th Pl N 2017 7,300 0.86 mi

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All information, content, data, and other materials on this Platform (“Content”) is made available to you on an “AS IS” basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied. All such Content is made available for informational purposes only and should not be relied on by you for any purpose. Content may contain errors, may be inaccurate or incomplete and/or, due to changing circumstances or other causes, may change or ultimately prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. Other than as set forth in our Terms of Service we do not have any control over your use of our Services or any Content. You should not use any such Services or any Content without validating the results through independent research, obtaining up-to-date information, and considering all relevant facts and circumstances, including your specific situation (financial or otherwise). We do not recommend, guarantee, or represent that the Services or any Content will predict the future performance of real estate assets or other assets of any kind. Moreover, we do not warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using any of the foregoing. WE ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING TAX, LEGAL, INVESTMENT, FINANCIAL OR RISK MANAGEMENT ADVICE, AND THE RESULTS OF USE OF OUR SERVICES AND ANY CONTENT MUST NOT BE REGARDED OR REPRESENTED AS CONSTITUTING SUCH ADVICE. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF ANY CONTENT AND/OR PROJECTIONS GENERATED BY THE SERVICES OR ANY CONTENT


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