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Views: 106 Updated: 03.26.24 Posted: 07.20.23 Status: Inactive


Price $3,926,000
Built/Renov 2017
Tenant Mi Dia
Cap Rate 5.75%
Lease Type Abs NNN
Guarantor Franchisee
Size/SF 7,280
Lease Start 09-01-2017
#Units 1
Price/SF $539.29
Expiration 08-31-2027
Tenant Type Casual Dining
NOI $225,750
R. Term 2.11
Ownership Fee Simple
Rent/SF $31.01
Increases 7.5%/1/yrs
Pop 5Mi 187,514
Lot/AC 1.61
Options 3/5yrs/7.5%
AHHI 5Mi $150,977

Lease Highlights

  • Mi Dia From Scratch has 4 years remaining on the current lease term with 3 (5-year) options to extend
  • Lease features 7.5% rental increases every 5 years throughout the initial term and at the start of each option
  • Absolute NNN | Zero landlord responsibilities
  • Personal guarantee by Windsor Restaurant Ventures, LP

Location Description

This 7,280 square foot Mi Dia From Scratch is positioned at the signalized, hard corner intersection of W Windsor Drive and Long Prairie Road averaging 42,300 vehicles per day. The site has excellent visibility along both cross-streets, and benefits from is position within densely populated and thriving retail, medical, and residential districts. The asset is positioned across from two new...



  • 1 Mile
  • 3 Miles
  • 5 Miles


  • Tenant: Mi Dia From Scratch
  • Guarantor:Franchisee
  • Company:Windsor Restaurant Ventures, LP
  • # Units:1
  • Stock:Private

About Tenant

Mi Dia From Scratch is an upscale Latin fusion restaurant chain located in Texas. The restaurant blends traditional Mexico City recipes with modern Sante Fe and Tex Mex flavors. In addition to...



  1 Miles 3 Miles 5 Miles
2028 Total Population : 11,418 97,861 188,101
2023 Total Population : 11,165 98,210 185,618
2023 Employed Civilian Pop : 6,776 54,797 102,078
2023 Total Businesses : 612 3,495 6,307
2023 Average Household Income : $ 152,625 $ 165,929 $ 153,445
2023 Total Consumer Spending : $ 573 M $ 4764 M $ 8520 M
2023 Median Age : 40 39 38
2023 Total Households : 4,444 34,083 65,544
2023 Pop Age 25+: Bachelor's Degree : 3,401 26,335 46,130
2023 Average Home Value : $ 429,796 $ 443,286 $ 440,495
*ESRI data is presented for informational purposes only


Collection Street Cross Street Year Traffic Vol Distance
Long Prairie Rd Windsor Dr 2011 31,444 0.11 mi
Downing St Essex Ct 2009 350 0.25 mi
Windsor Dr Avon Ct 2009 370 0.42 mi
Long Prairie Rd Corporate Cr 2009 19,830 0.43 mi
College Pkwy Timberview Dr 2011 2,535 0.44 mi
Wolf Creek Trl College Pkwy 2009 200 0.44 mi
Dendron Dr Argos Way 2009 100 0.48 mi
Morriss Rd Eaton 2011 15,667 0.49 mi
Rippy Road Cedar St 2021 1,118 0.51 mi
Lauren Way Glenwick Blvd 2009 250 0.56 mi

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