The Franklin Montessori School is an accredited Montessori school by the American Montessori Society, that offers early childhood education from infancy up to pre-K aged children. Their school...
The Franklin Montessori School is an accredited Montessori school by the American Montessori Society, that offers early childhood education from infancy up to pre-K aged children. Their school features five programs: infants, Toddlers, Primary/Early Childhood, Extended Day, and Enrichment, and a staff of highly trained instructors and child care specialists. Their curriculum has an emphasis on language, mathematics, practical life skills, physical and emotional development, along with enrichment programs such as art, drama, foreign language and environmental studies. Founded in 1977 in Montgomery County, Maryland, The Franklin Montessori School has been recognized for innovation and academic excellence. They opened their Washington, DC Forest Hills campus in 2002, which has over 19,000 square feet of interior space, 4 fully-equipped primary Montessori classrooms, 4 (2-year old) classrooms, 3 infant classrooms, indoor and outdoor place spaces, a well-stocked library, an art studio, and more. The Franklin Montessori School is located in Washington, DC.