Building Kidz School is an early childhood education center that serves one million children across the United States. The company integrates song, dance, visual art, and performance into its...
Building Kidz School is an early childhood education center that serves one million children across the United States. The company integrates song, dance, visual art, and performance into its teaching with a focus on emotional, social, cognitive, physical, communication, and academic development. Building Kidz is a franchising company, and 25% of franchisor profits go towards helping underprivileged children around the world, and they are also committed to early childhood diabetes research, orphaned and abandoned children, as well as helping children with vision and hearing impairments. Founded in 2002, Building Kidz School currently operates 47 schools in Arizona, California, Georgia, Kentucky, New York, Tennessee, and Washington, and is projected to add 48% more units over the next three years. The private company is headquartered in Foster City, California.